His Capital Group

2151 Consulate Dr. Suite 6 ​​​​​​​Orlando, FL 32837

His Capital Group

9AM - 6PM

His Capital Group


Each week the HIS Capital team meets to collaborate on the week ahead, realign our collective focus while receiving a generous dose of inspiration & motivation in the process.  In a recent Monday session hosted by our principals Rick Melero and Luis Roque the team was presented with the opportunity to impact a great many lives part of which starts with sharing a condensed video version & transcription of our meeting publicly.  We join Rick and the team midway through our session.


Over the years we have been blessed and privileged to make a difference and our goal is to create a ripple of hope and a hand up that expands globally.

But there has never been such a time as this where HIS Capital and all the team members have the opportunity and the privilege to make an impact around the world and it’s starting right now with our project with Mission 823. Over the next six to 12 months, you will be partnered with HIS Capital to assist Mission 823 in helping the people of Ukraine. For those who have not watched the media, things are a little bit dangerous and dicey in Ukraine right now because of an actual potential war with Russia. And we’re not gonna talk about politics and we’re not gonna go into all the craziness that is behind all this stuff.

What I want you to understand is that even when there’s conflict, there’s always an opportunity to do good. And so, what I want you to understand is that what we do here in the US as a business as a team is going to directly have an impact or ripple effect, if you will, directly on Ukraine and the people that live here. And the vehicle that we’re going to use to make that difference is Mission 823. And so, this is why this year the future belongs to now, what we do today is gonna have a ripple effect this very year on 1000s, if not millions of people in Ukraine who are in serious danger and so again, let’s begin by talking about what we can do right now with what we have.

And ultimately, we’ll dive into what we can do in the future as we grow with more opportunities. So, for those that know, over the last five or six years, with board members of Mission 823 we’ve actually flown out to Ukraine. That’s how we met Tetiana and others in some of our mission endeavors we’ve had the privilege and opportunity of inspiring little villages and helping people but now the stakes are really high. And so what you’ll see is this actually was covered over the weekend in the media in general on news here in the US talking about the topic of the potential war between Russia and Ukraine.

And Shawn Sullivan CEO of Mission 823 was actually captured on film talking about the way the organization is going to make a difference. And what’s awesome is to just know as we’re watching this video, he’s coming in today at one o’clock meeting me discussing how our investments in the past and our recent investments are currently making a difference. And he was just there delivering all kinds of resources.

But he and I dialogued over the weekend. We basically broke down the three key things that can be done right now that we can all have an impact.


The first one is family homes and construction on those homes because currently right now they have one house that is not occupied yet we have a family that’s been designated that can actually house 10 to 12 at risk children these are some children that may actually be abandoned and refugees in Ukraine. And so this is a direct opportunity, unfortunately not to house 1000 people but at least to make a difference in the life of 10 to 12 children so they’re gonna need financial support to finish the construction and to continue to support for food and utilities for that home so that that home can make a difference in the lives of those 10 to 12 people.

The next big portion which I think is essential, and I’m really glad to hear that some of the government agencies other parties are joining in this particular project, they’re going to bring in support relief in youth camps basically to help around 800 to 1000 children that are actually struggling right now. And the whole concept I want to give you a picture of what this particular need is just imagine that there are children right now that are still closer to the war zone that are displaced or they’re struggling because just imagine as a child how do you understand why bombs and things are going off, 1000s of people that are dying?

This is already happening This isn’t something that is going to happen. It’s already started happening, right? And so now it’s just escalated to level it could be substantially worse. And so, the beautiful thing is Mission 823 has a property in fact, Teitiana (virtual staff member) and I we’re there not too long ago, and in this particular property, there’s plenty of land to host camps to bring these children they’re actually struggling with PTSD, and that they need someone to encourage them and give them a reprieve from being on the frontlines. And so, the whole idea of minimum goal for this year is for us to be able to send enough support to get 800 to 1000 More children to this place so they can receive ministry, encouragement, and psychological support so that they can do these trying times.

Now if we reach a whole new goal, which is a little opportunity for later, they have enough land there an opportunity for us to build more cabins so that we add an additional 200 beds, which basically almost double the potential impact we can have in Ukraine using those youth camps.


And lastly, we want to go out there and import additional water filter systems for at least 2500 which in a minute will show you what it looks like these 2500 buckets if you will allow us to literally get these families that have zero good water to drink everything is poisonous or unclean. And so, this creates opportunity for these families that are in the very front lines to actually be able to drink fresh water that is safer. And so one bucket I think represents I forgot how many, 1000 gallons and so it creates a great

lasting opportunity. So our goal we helped last time sending 10,000 but the need is so fast that we send at least another immediate 2500 of these filter systems to the frontlines to assist the families that don’t even have clean water right now. I think there’s something we can all get behind.

And again, what I want to point out guys is that if you think about this, from the purpose perspective, if we really focus as an organization here in Orlando, Florida, doing business in other states, we can have a direct impact on something so much bigger than ourselves. Think about the fact that we can help house 10 to 12 children in another country that are at risk we can help provide support for over 1000 Children in just one year who were struggling with PTSD because what they’re already experiencing, and then imagine how many gallons of water by sending out 2500 of these particular filter systems.

We can help with families that are going to save lives and avoid illness and sickness from people who are thirsty and make a difference in their lives. And so again, when we ran the basic numbers, this is just a 90-day goal. This is not their entire goal for the year, they’re gonna need a support of about $19,200 to be able to hit these three main objectives. Now of course to build category substantially more but to meet the immediate need guys, HIS Capital, which is you guys is wanting to commit to hit this entire $19,200 goal within the next 60 to 90 days. This is how we can all be a part of making a difference.


So this is a call to action that I want you to do. So you guys, what you do day in and day out, are gonna have the opportunity to help us hit our goals so that we can ultimately hit this financial bucket and start making a difference in Ukraine immediately. And that’s one of the biggest things I would challenge us to really consider. So now, for those who have never seen one of these water systems, this is what the filtration cleaning system looks like.

It allows it to be able to take water from anywhere. You can literally go into an actual lake that has muddy water pour it in there and the water comes out safe. Now the delivery way that we’re going to send this out we’ve been sending shipments you probably saw some pictures on social media where they were thanking HIS Capital from the department where they shipped off just truckloads of this stuff.

And they went to the frontlines to show you how hostile it is the team that was delivering these buckets of water actually had to wear bulletproof vests in order to get to the area that special permits so that the military can actually go with them to ensure their safety. So just to kind of give an example this is not just going to some random person in the middle of nowhere in the woods, that is not a risk. These guys are going into the field and so we’re gonnahave the opportunity to send another 2500 of these to those families that are at risk near the war zone. And so, I just want you to see it and connect with it because that’s the big why as a team that we’re gonna focus on over the next 60 to 90 days.


So how can you specifically support Mission 823 and join us, we’re going to put some content together and we need to create an awareness so what I want all of you to do is not only we’re going to work hard to do our part here at HIS Capital, but anytime that you see a post or someone in the team shares a link we’re going to share it & that creates awareness about Mission 823 & our cause.

We’re going to challenge you to do is to join us share all of that information that we post on social media, share with your friends with your family members or clients that work with because our goal is to reach at least 1 million people in the next 90 days by providing this information on social media platforms, and the only way we can do that is we all chip in to share this content. Now why is this important?

Because the goal that we have is just literally a drop in the bucket. No pun intended. There’s a lot we can do a lot more. So, what we’re gonna need is to support the people all over the world. And only way they’re gonna know is if we share this content with them. And we can share a call to action on how they can join us on this specific mission. And this is something that we can easily do every day, put a comment, send an email to our clients, text a family member is something that we can all get behind.

It doesn’t cost you money and you can still be part of making a difference because you don’t know the one person that shared with that decides they want to partner with us in supplying even more financial support to these goals.

And so again, this is my main call to action. I think we all do it. And I’m excited to know that our team is really committed you guys are gonna do with it. The next piece is your performance. So how can you help support Mission 823? Perform, we want to perform consistently as a company so they can cast this particular vision because what you hear is going to go much further than we ever imagined.

60-90 day goal

So we’re going to aim to perform on our income goals so that we have the capital to invest in Mission 823, urgent needs for Ukraine specifically. So, here’s a reality in the next 60 to 90 days if we reach at least $6.5 million in capital deployed, whether that’s loans, whether that’s purchases, or whether that is other acquisitions that we’re bringing in commercial assets $6.5 million of capital deployment or for our disposition team $6 million in sales of selling assets to generate revenue.

When you combine it all, all we need to do to hit this goal is deploy or sell $6.5 million over the next literally 60 to 90 days. And it’s something that I believe is reasonable. I believe something that we work together, we can hit this goal and when we achieved this $6.5 million goal, we’re going to be able to finance 100% of the goal that we talked about. So, $20,000 is our mission to help mission 823 So if you perform and do your part, you will generate revenue for the company and the company is willing to invest as a team to make a difference in Ukraine.

And so again, if you decide that this is something you want to do by no means that we’re making this mandatory, this is an investment of your time. It’s a risk, a very real risk. But we believe that living with purpose is living it out. And so we’re going to go out there as soon as we have the opportunity to join Shawn. We’re gonna send resources we’re gonna hand deliver to those families so that we can truly be the hands of Jesus and make a difference in the lives of people around us.

And so again, if we want to summarize this, how can you support the Mission 823 is very simple. You can create awareness you can perform to help us to help goals so that we can make the difference. You can invest some of your capital resources where you can go with us and be a part of the physical impact that we’re gonna have in Ukraine. And so again, I would encourage you, and I will challenge you. Let’s connect this purpose with our goals at work. Let’s take full ownership and know that everything that you do has a cause and effect and it’s gonna make a difference in the lives of 1000s if not millions of people around the world and so we want to make sure that our company is standing for something greater than ourselves. And I believe this is a great calling a great opportunity for us to help you do the same.

So to wrap up as usual. We always end with a quote:  When every action has a Purpose,every action has a Result. And that’s really at the end of the day, what I want to remind you, now that we have an action that has purpose, we’re going to have results that make a difference and I’m gonna challenge you guys to have this mindset adapt the mindset and begin to take full ownership because what you do here is going to ripple all the way to Ukraine and to other countries in the future.

Mission 823

Nonprofit Organization

Our Mission: Defend, Rescue and Restore at-risk children in Eastern Europe. Abused, neglected and orphaned children have been hidden away in crumbling institutions or huddling in the street far too long. Help us rescue them today https://www.mission823.com/donation_page/

Teamwork is the fuel that allows common people to attain uncommon results

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