His Capital Group

2151 Consulate Dr. Suite 6 ​​​​​​​Orlando, FL 32837

His Capital Group

9AM - 6PM

His Capital Group


Nothing New Under The Sun

Filling the suitcase, readying for an escape out of Chicago to melt off the harsh winter, and notification alerts pop up on my cell, and laptop. Try as I might to stay present in the joy of getting out of town, the pings keep coming and I succumb yet again to Pavlov’s theory. I knew […]

Avoiding 6 Most Common Pitfalls of Real Estate Investing

Rental real estate is one of the most important “buckets” to deploy a portion of the profits from your business. Learn how to do it right.   Mark J Kohler Author, Attorney, CPA and a man who has helped investors across the country save as well as earn more. Over the years and thousands of […]

Did You Know?

Our friends at John Burns Real Estate Consulting shared some great insights for business owners in any industry. We gave each decade a name based on the biggest demographic shift they led. 1930s Savers shifted society to save more 1940s Achievers began a decades-long shift toward achieving greater financial wealth 1950s Innovator. Your generation created […]

Kitchen Remodeling Trends That Will Increase Your Property Value

There is a common sentiment among realtors that kitchens sell houses. Therefore, if you are thinking about selling your house, or you simply want to increase the value of your property, you have likely looked into kitchen remodeling projects. While full-scale kitchen renovations may not necessarily be advisable for all properties, especially for mid-range homes, […]

Rental Market Shift

Time to Reboot Your Rental Housing Strategies By John Burns, CEO John Burns Consulting   Huge shifts are occurring in the rental market: Return to basics. Rental demand is shifting to a focus on affordability, with renters willing to sacrifice square footage, privacy, amenities, and commute time in return for lower rent. Suburban growth. Urban […]

Going Cashless

Despite its leadership in seemingly all things digital advertising, the United States lags well behind many nations when it comes to mobile technology adoption. Perhaps nowhere is this lag as pronounced as it is when it comes to US mobile payment adoption compared to China. That’s a problem for US brands and merchants, who are […]

Do You Have A Plan?

Fidelity Investments reports that for the 10th consecutive year here are the top three financial resolutions Americans considered: Save More   (48%) Pay down Debt (29%) Spend Less     (15%) Of those who had a financial resolution for 2018, a whopping 74 percent of them reported that they stuck with it. They could be fibbing, of course, […]

Managing Your Money

If we keep looking back, we will find ourselves headed in the wrong direction.  Managing our finances, re-balancing our portfolios knowing where we stand financially is critical in the process of making sure you do not outlive your money.  It’s always easy to close our eyes to all the overwhelming ideas and noise about what […]

Flipping Profitably

ATTOM Data reports the first half of 2018 showed, house flippers still made an average gross return of 44.3%, or $65,250 per deal.  What is interesting to note is that only 32% of those where purchased as distressed sales.  The acquisition of investment properties on which financing was used has continued to increase at an […]

3 Financial Tools That Can Offer A Boost To Credit Ratings

Three new financial tools have come to market or soon will be available that could give your scores a shot of adrenalin when you need it most. All three tools come from well-established players: FICO, developer of the ubiquitous FICO score; Experian, one of the national credit bureaus; CreditXpert, a financial technology company whose products […]